Align Your Mind (AYM) Business Coaching

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Lost your mojo? In need of a career boost?

There comes a time in our careers, unless we’re very lucky, that a sense of unfulfillment hits us. Or, worse still, we realise we hate our jobs! Is this you?

Maybe this was prompted by someonelse being given a promotion over you. Or maybe you’re feeling micro-managed and frustrated at the lack of your boss’ confidence. Which in turn may have impacted your self-confidence.

Something needs to change!

When you’re immersed in these stagnant times of feeling like you’re in a quagmire without a decent work/life balance, you may come to the point when you realise that something needs to be done. A light needs to be shone on what’s going on. Questions must be asked to find the answers. Is this sounding like familiar territory?

Are you stuck on that hamster wheel, churning out the work whilst running the “this isn’t making me happy” loop in your head? Perhaps you’re feeling under-appreciated, or that life seems so unfair.

Often, we’re so immersed in feeling unsatisfied and unmotivated that everything becomes murky. A blur. This is where a good coach will help you clear the murk and see what’s going on.

A coach can help you to stop all the ruminating and start asking some powerful questions. We may not have immediate answers, but coaching allows you to dig down deep to help you find nuggets of truth which feel right to you.  

Finding a fresh new perspective

A coaching program will allow you a safe space to explore your feelings and what’s frustrating you. You can delve deeply into what’s really important in your life and work. What makes you feel excited and drives you. Then, you can start to build a vision of what you’d love your future to be like – what you want more of, and getting clear on what you need to say “no” to.  

Then, by aligning your mindset, you can look at goal setting which is in tune with your overarching life vision. This is where you will start to feel a sense of flow, as you begin to work towards a future that is right for you. Aligning your mindset goes beyond just actions; through powerful questions, coaching sessions will also uncover ways in which your thinking, attitude and approach, habits and even just getting curious can all work together.

Purpose, planning, action and fulfilment

Once your vision is clear, the planning and actions follow. By ‘aligning your mindset,’ and putting everything you learn through the Coaching process into being/action, you are then in prime position to make your vision a reality and live a happy, fulfilled life.

Let’s renew your Mojo!