AYM Career Coaching

We don’t always get it ‘right’ first time, and that’s ok. There’s no judgement here. But in coaching we can use your life’s lessons to inform your next career choices.

I coach young people to gain clarity around what they like and don’t like about their career moves so far. We build a clear picture of strengths, skills and preferences, and align next steps with both life and career aspirations. We work on mapping future goals with any skills gaps, and plan with different time horizons in mind, allowing for flexibility and opportunity whilst stepping into intentional, purposeful actions.

What’s included in the AYM Career Coaching programme?

  • Three-month programme of 1:1 coaching + group pod meetings

  • Six 1:1 career coaching sessions

  • Positive Intelligence (PQ) foundational training (access to the app for 12 months)

  • Group Pod meetings (six weekly calls)

  • Additional materials are accessed after the end of the foundational training

  • Accountability + full support from me over WhatsApp

  • Review session to capture your learning (week 12 or 13)


AYM Career Coaching programme gave me a better understanding of what I want from a role.

“It helped me progress my thinking, as the coaching conversations encouraged me to look at how my inner workings and personal qualities/values can become a part of my job search. This prompted new behaviours in me - a step change as I stopped myself from just applying for things that will ‘do for now’.”

Who will benefit from the AYM Career Coaching programme?

I have a passion for lifelong learning, and from all the coaching hours I have spent being coached, I know that two of my top three values are Education and Independence.

I think this is what draws me to want to work with young people. I am inspired and ignited by YOUR potential!

Permit me to share with you my own experience of choosing my first career job.

On paper, a job in legal publishing was very ‘right for me’ – I had a languages + law degree and a love of words. I made some rich, lifelong friendships in that job so it wasn’t all bad – but I was ‘told off’ for doing too much talking. Turns out that working quietly in a small cubicle wasn’t quite the interactive and collaborative work I have since grown to love in my second career move, conference production at global exhibitions.

The AYM Career Coaching programme is for anyone who is ready to step into fulfilling their potential – our work together looks at building self confidence, self awareness and self development. We move you out of your “comfort zone” and work on your stretch goals. All the time working with your uniqueness, and bringing your talents to the world through meaningful career choices.

Shall we see how far we can get you?

Meet Dominic

Dominic doesn't have a vocation or one outstanding talent. He's lacking a clear direction. Coaching conversations with AYM Coach Helen uncover Dominic's passions. He finds his WHY and uses that to motivate his future career choices as well as a whole lot more…

Meet Juan

Juan has been in the workplace for six years, but hasn't progressed in that time. When he starts working with AYM Coach Helen, he explains that he feels disconnected to his co-workers and is unhappy...

Meet Georgina

Georgina is multi-talented, but when it comes to whittling down her list of possible career paths, she is held back by FOMO. In talking through what really matters to her, Georgina is able to build a picture of the kind of work she wants to do - work which fits with her personality and values.