About Coaching

 Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed at work – or worse, heading for 100% burnout?

Is Life sometimes getting in the way? Dealing you a tricky hand, pulling you in different directions, whilst you’re left running on empty with nothing left to give?

Are you getting by ok, but in places feeling that life is a little lacklustre? You’re perhaps not making the best decisions for your wellbeing, and you’re far from living as your Best Self?

Are you tired of feeling stressed out?

Tired of feeling unmotivated by the same old, same old…

Sometimes we live life on autopilot.

It’s easier… less demanding.

With Busyness arife and a To Do list that wouldn’t fit with an 8-day week, we lean on our easiest coping strategies - social media scrolling, overworking in the gym, over spending, binge drinking… you get the picture. We are numbing our emotions just to get through the day.

However, when we feel that Life is happening to us, we start to give up on our agency. It’s tempting to hold the belief that because we are not always or fully in control of circumstances and other people, it’s logical to think that there’s nothing we can do. So when we do recognise that we are not fully in control of our current situation - we find ways to hide from decisions which we feel are too tricky/ time consuming/ energy draining.

We are lacking the self awareness, self compassion & self authority to take stock and take considered action.

Or if we do start a new regime of better living - like the excitement of riding a new bike - it’s fantastic to start with, but soon the shiny new thing starts to jade quickly and we don’t follow through on our best intentions.

Does this sound like anyone you know?

Are you ready for a change?

I work with coaching clients to challenge the status quo – we work on whatever’s not working for you.

In coaching we explore, unravel & reframe, and innovate new perspectives & resonant actions which will bring you closer to your goals. All of this is supported by a deep understanding of how mindset can support. You’ll learn how to open up your awareness, and act with intention so that you are primed to take the *right* opportunities.

We look at balance & resilience, dialling down on the worry and negative self talk. We work on the limiting beliefs and entrenched patterns of behaviour which are holding you back. And we build confidence, along with mindset which supports greater strides towards your goals - so you can start to experience Life & work in a state of ease & flow.

The beauty of coaching is that you get to decide what success looks like. You get to design a life you’re excited to lead. And you are always ‘At Choice’ to make confident decisions and to take clear-headed laser-focused action.

Together we set realistic and meaningful goals around your career/business, your health & wellbeing, your lifestyle. These are all more interconnected than you think. And we work together with 100% commitment to your goals, it’s always your agenda we work to. And we work out what’s needed to get you there.


I feel at peace.

“I know that times ahead will offer up challenges, but I feel suitably equipped with resources and tips/tricks from the course to tackle these.”

In coaching we move towards:

• Peace and calmness

• Clarity of mind and headspace

• Embracing life and new adventures

• Becoming a better version of yourself

• Sense of wellbeing, wellness, vibrancy

• High productivity: Living more in ease & flow

• Growing resilience and managing emotions in the moment

• Self-awareness: Bringing more of your unique brilliance to the world

• A life of balance and resilience to recover faster from Life’s challenges

• Improved relationships: Learning tools for better communication, less combative

The AYM (Align Your Mindset) Approach

The AYM approach looks at your chosen mindset in any given circumstances. It takes intentionality to deliver your genius!

In order to tackle Life’s challenges at one end of the spectrum, and to thrive as your Best Self in the lofty heights of peak moments at the other end - there is a mindset which will help support. Bringing awareness to mindset can be life changing.

To make your vision of a better career/ business/ personal life/ work-life balance a reality, practising a cohesive approach is imperative – you want intentionality that flows through every action, keeping in mind who you want to become and how you want to interact with your environment, and the people around you.  

I call this the Align Your Mindset (AYM) approach, and it takes time, effort, energy, and focus to get it right.

Choosing to transform any aspect of your life is never the easy option, and in coaching you must be actively involved, open-minded, and unafraid to be in the moment as we explore possibilities together.  

The results are always worth the (hard) work.

Is coaching for me?

Here’s what we will work on to build a life of balance, confidence and resilience -

  • Moving you from stuckness into motivated action, so that you can operate in ease & flow

  • Unlocking your full potential to make a big impact on the world

  • Quietening your negative mind chatter (we all have a resident Judge who brings us down!)

  • Overriding self doubt, building an inner confidence which propels you towards your chosen destination

  • Challenging current beliefs and assumptions which are holding you back

  • Breaking free from old narratives and un-learning old bad habits

  • Building new habits which empower greater strides towards goals

  • Aligning all actions, habits, beliefs and mindsets for improved performance, richer relationships and a life of happiness and wellness

  • Building the mental muscles which will keep you on track to deliver the changes you decide are right for your future

  • Stepping into living as the Best Version of yourself

Ready to get started?

If we are a good fit we will discuss how I can help and which package suits your needs. Coaching happens over Zoom, or in person by arrangement.

What coaching is & what it isn’t

It is worth emphasising that coaching is not a place to “chat things through” – it’s where coach and client both give 100%. Coaching is all about getting you into action – the ‘right’ action. We dig deep on what’s important to you and explore lots of different options in terms of finding ways to get you where you want to be. What the coaching does is open up your thinking.

There is a difference between coaching and counselling. In coaching we don’t dwell on past traumas. We use typical patterns of behaviour to inform our coaching options – we focus on the changes which can bring about powerful future outcomes. We are forward-looking.  

Is there something you would like to change? Could you use an empathetic ear and tenacious accountability partner to keep you on track?


  • Book your free 45-minute Chemistry Call (Calendly link in footer). We will get clarity around your current challenges and what’s holding you back. We will explore what are your aspirations for a life of fulfilment and happiness.

    If we are a good fit, we will arrange a taster coaching session. Then you can choose the right package for your goals, and coaching starts once our signed agreement is in place.

  • You can expect 100% confidentiality and non-judgment from me. I will provide a safe space for us to go deep on the limiting beliefs and negative self-talk which have been holding you back.

    You will be challenged.

    You will be invited to find some alternative perspectives, and we will work together on some resonant actions.

    You will leave the call with fresh insights and some next steps, including an accountability check-in.

  • Please prepare a few notes on your challenges and what is holding you back.

    You are invited to include what you would like to change. Can you articulate yet what it is you are looking for our coaching together to achieve?

  • We will work together in 1:1 sessions for 3 - 6 months.

    You will come to each call with the topic you would like to work on.

    Your first call will be a Discovery session where we uncover your core values and develop a couple of early tools for self discovery.

    We will set goals at the beginning of the process, keeping those in mind throughout the course of the coaching engagement.

    We always finish with a Review session to capture your learnings and ensure that you are putting insights into action.

    The PQ programme and the I Choose Well course are both structured with intensive sprints of weekly/ fortnightly group calls. Those programmes both include the 1:1 coaching described above.