AYM Wellbeing Programme:
I Choose Well!

Imagine a world of Peace & Harmony.

A world in which you have headspace for clear thinking and focus.

A world where you feel more calmness, and your creative juices are in full flow…

A world in which you can really feel alive, experience joy, and live as your Best Self!

The I Choose Well! programme explores:


  • What’s getting in the way of calmness and your sense of balance?

  • How can you improve brain fog, clarity and focus?

  • How can you build habits which support your health & wellness goals?

  • What can you do to support your mental wellbeing when life feels chaotic and beyond your control?

  • How can you get the ‘right’ things done in the time you have, without depleting your energy?

  • How can you build confidence in your decision-making – and in your interactions with people around you?

  • How can you stay more in control of your emotions “in the moment”?

  • Key tips for mental, physical, social & spiritual wellbeing.

  • What it means to be understood – how you can bring more of your brilliant self to the world, and feel good about it?

  • How can your (chosen) mindset support a life of balance and resilience?

  • How can you live your life as your Best Self?

What’s included in the I Choose Well! programme?


  • 1:1 coaching on the active choices you can take to relieve stress & build healthier approaches

  • Eight structured wellbeing modules

  • Foundational mental fitness training to empower active choices for a life of balance and calm – and a life fully lived!

  • Access to the Positive Intelligence (PQ) app for 12 months

  • Group calls, group support (PQ Pod chat)

  • Two AYM Wellbeing Models which deconstruct the sources of stress, and provide the building blocks for your unique transformation into THRIVE mode

  • Full support from me - Accountability, PQ Pod chat, WhatsApp

  • Monthly newsletters, worksheets and recommended reading

  • Review session to capture your learning

Who will benefit from the I Choose Well programme?

If you identify with any of the following statements, this programme will provide an opportunity for insights and new awareness around what’s been getting in your way.

  • I feel stressed & anxious, overwhelmed & unproductive.

  • I suffer from brain fog and am unable to focus properly on tasks which I know are important to me.

  • I never have enough time/ energy/ focus/ willpower to get [insert task] done.

  • My “ON” switch is permanently on! I am constantly on the go/ always busy - but not always achieving…

  • I tend to spend time, energy & attention on others. I put own needs and wants last.

  • I get stressed at work due to some tricky relationships and I am left feeling under appreciated.

  • I know what I want to achieve, but life throws me curved balls all the time and I’m always derailed.

  • I am not currently living my best life – I am holding back. It will be easier when [insert your circumstances] change.

  • I’m sick of the monotony at work, and stuck in a rut. I wish I could go out and have new adventures!

  • I am tired all the time and lack the motivation to socialise/get tasks done/ take care of myself.

  • My default mode is to put off working on my wellbeing until I have more time/ more energy/ more focus.

Working together with me as your coach and guide, this programme supports action! Proven tools, new mindsets and intentional habits will shift you more towards calmness and a life of ease & flow.

My clients say it in their own words…

  • “The AYM wellbeing models are easy to use and also empowering because it brings an awareness of simplicity that can be brought to all situations.”

    Charlotte, Oxfordshire

  • “The Powerful Questions in the AYM Wellbeing course are fundamental. Together, with the AYM wellbeing models, they have enabled me to explore, identify and work through the aspects of self and the world around me that are influencing my health and fitness and where I aspire to be.”  

    Louise, Oxfordshire

  • “The PQ + AYM Wellbeing course has left me feeling more confident, focused and stronger; I've learnt some great techniques and will continue to build on the steps that I have been shown and practice.”

    David, Oxfordshire

  • "I feel at peace."

    Louise, Oxfordshire

  • “I found the whole coaching experience with the PQ + AYM Wellbeing course were like hand and glove and supported each other very well in all the topics we covered.”

    Tessa, Oxfordshire

  • “Fundamentally, the PQ + AYM Wellbeing course has changed my way of thinking, and this has given me the mindset to be able to move forward with positive intent.” 

    Louise, Oxfordshire

  • “Helen is an insightful coach and clearly very well read around coaching and use of the PQ approach.”

    Sue, Oxfordshire

  • “This course has exceeded my expectations both in terms of content and delivery. The weekly activities were insightful and thought provoking. I learned so much from the weekly POD discussion and my fellow POD members.”

    Louise, Oxfordshire