What people say

Paul, Oxfordshire

I feel so much lighter and less stressed now, it’s been a game-changer for me!

I can honestly say the ideas covered and coaching from Helen have made a significant, and positive impact on my day-to-day life.

The programme completely delivered on what it promised. I highly recommend joining this programme if you want to release yourself from negative thought patterns which cause daily worry and stress.

Charlotte, Oxfordshire

 A new feeling of self-assuredness, like everything is possible, attainable, and filled with potential

The biggest impact has been a new feeling of self-assuredness, like everything is possible, attainable, and filled with potential. I have increased energy and no longer feel stressed at the idea of losing time or having too little time. In a way, it’s as if by thinking about things differently, this course has helped me slow down time and really enjoy the present, really notice the positive gifts I have in my life and appreciate time with my loved ones.

My experience of this course was one of transformation, both inwardly and through my interactions with others. It has helped me to discover a new way of understanding myself and the world around me through a positive lens, increasing my empathy for myself and others and instilling a great feeling of calm.

Helen was very attentive and patient and calming. I felt cautious towards the PQ programme in the beginning, as it felt quite a far way out of my comfort zone, but Helen went out of her way to accommodate me, and acknowledge and alleviate my fears. I could not be more happy that I did this course with Helen, it has been an incredible journey, one I would recommend to anyone and everyone.

Tessa, Oxfordshire

I have always avoided conflict but now know how to deal with it without being anxious, or feeling guilty

I found the whole coaching experience with the PQ + AYM Wellbeing course were like hand and glove and supported each other very well in all the topics we covered.  

The courses both helped me to solve and diffuse a complex situation which turned out not to be complicated but agreeable on both sides by using the techniques in the course. I have always avoided conflict but now know how to deal with it without being anxious, feeling guilty and did I say the right thing.  Helen during the course was a great support in showing us different ways to interpret a situation to a positive outcome without feeling bad about ourselves.

Helen is very experienced, understanding, compassionate and sees everything in a positive way to help you understand yourself and circumstances.  Her knowledge in seeing a problem can be turned around for one to see alternative ways using different concepts with different techniques to help you understand.

I will be indebted to Helen in showing me new ways to help myself to move forward in a positive and helpful way by being kind to myself during my journey and that I will be ok.  Thank you Helen for showing me the sunshine that is within me – very grateful. 

Liz, County Clare

 Knowing I can choose my response brings me total responsibility & total empowerment and strips away all the old excuses!

The most impactful aha moment for me was that we always – at any given moment in time – have a choice in how we respond. This gives us total control, total responsibility, total empowerment and strips away all the old excuses.

The PQ programme has been instrumental in quieting my Judge and avoider saboteur and allowing me to find creative ways to tackle the ‘elephant’ that is my “Writing my Self-Help Book” project. In addition, it has allowed me to change the way in which I respond (and not react!) to my partner – thus creating more harmonious & explorative interactions.

My mental fitness has improved dramatically since the PQ coaching with Helen - I feel much more able to stop and pause and breathe and calm my racing mind, in order to switch to sage mind and sage powers.

I use the PQ foundational operating system to

  • calm myself when I’m stressed;

  • change how I interact with my loved ones;

  • motivate me on my personal projects;

  • & work smarter not harder

The value I have received from the PQ programme with Helen can only be described as priceless. There were so many ‘aha’ moments where things I have learned in the past or known to be true suddenly knitted together in a simple, cohesive framework.

As we are always “At Choice” there really is no excuse any more not to show up as your best self. This, and consistently practising and flexing my mental muscles - allows me to switch my response from judge to sage whenever I need to. Every single time. Without fail. 

The impact of this is nothing short of life-changing.   

Think about it.

For anyone considering PQ Coaching with Helen, I hope you decide to enrol - and watch your life transform!

Sue, Oxfordshire

I definitely feel I have a calmer, more effective life after the PQ programme.

Learning the PQ approach is challenging because it forces you to confront ingrained ways of working and ideas about how your style of thinking and interacting with people might not be as effective as you thought it was. The programme was a roller coaster of emotions from enthusiasm through to frustration and back to joy. Ultimately the PQ programme was rewarding and I have grown as a person as a result of the course. I want to continue applying the tools and techniques in my daily life - I definitely feel I have a calmer, more effective life after the programme.

Coaching has made me more aware that my view of the world and what is important is not necessarily the same as someone else’s view, and is not necessarily the “right” or “only” approach to take. Coaching has also made me more aware of my own feelings and what they may be telling me, and in turn I have started to notice the feelings of others more, and how I might be driving them. The PQ coaching has made a positive difference to my interactions with others and to my own inner voice.

In terms of recommending the PQ coaching -  it's a great programme to take on if you don't really know exactly what's going wrong in life but you just feel that you're constantly worn down by trying to hold everything together. Helen really has helped me understand that. There have been lots of behaviour patterns that I've just built up over the years and thought this is as good as it gets. Actually, there isn't as good as it gets. The 1:1 coaching sessions with Helen have been really helpful in working through some of those more personal situations and coming up with actions that are really helpful to try and do different things.

I would highly recommend Helen to anyone wanting to get a little more out of their personal or professional lives. I have found her approach an appropriate mix of support and challenge!

Helen has an ability to listen and get to the heart of a matter, working with innovative ideas and suggestions of different ways of looking at a situation. Helen is gifted in asking questions which get to the heart of an issue – I don’t know how she does it, but each conversation challenged me and gave insights that I would not have reached on my own.

Helen has a calm, kind approach with absolutely no judgement. She is an insightful coach and clearly very well read around coaching and use of the PQ approach.

Louise, Oxfordshire

 I feel suitably equipped with resources and tips/tricks from the course to tackle any future challenges.

I am “At Choice” - I love this! It really signifies a pause point to weigh up options to move forward. I like that fact that there are reset points through the day and that no day should be considered a ‘write off’.

Fundamentally, the course has changed my way of thinking, and this has given me the mindset to be able to move forward with positive intent.  

I feel at peace.

I feel ready to move forward with tacking my health and fitness – choosing healthier food choices and moving more. The internal chatter has dialled down and I have a clear path to travel forward on. By developing my self-command muscles, learning how to identify and tackle my judge/saboteur and develop my sage powers, I have choices to make which I am in control of. I know that times ahead will offer up challenges, but I feel suitably equipped with resources and tips/tricks from the course tackle these.

This course has exceeded my expectations both in terms of content and delivery. The weekly activities were insightful and thought provoking. I learned so much from the weekly POD discussion and my fellow POD members. I loved the individual coaching sessions. They were really helpful in allowing me to explore my thoughts/self etc to a greater depth and offer up next steps with which to progress forward.

Alistair, London

Helen provides space and structure to work towards a clearer solution or objective.

Helen is a fantastic coach.

She listens, has the coaching and life skills to then provide the client with the space and structure to work towards a clearer solution or objective.

It was a pleasure to have worked with Helen and I would highly recommend.

David, Oxfordshire

This course has left me feeling more confident, focused and stronger

Whilst I was taking part in the PQ Intelligence and AYM Wellbeing course I felt well supported, guided and accepted for who I truly am. 

I was surprised just how much I learnt about myself and others. The biggest impact was looking back at myself when I was a child and reconnecting with those feelings, aspirations and innocence - and understanding that I still have that essence in me and that I can access it again.

This course has left me feeling more confident, focused and stronger; I've learnt some great techniques and will continue to build on the steps that I have been shown and practice.

I can only thank Helen for her calm, understanding, and non-judgmental approach in her prompting, which revealed what I perceived to be stopping me from achieving my best and the extent to which I was prepared to find solutions, commit to and apply action.

Stephanie, Brighton

 Our workplace is now much more in line with my ethos and I have developed confident leadership skills.

As a business owner, coaching with Helen has helped me to make some difficult decisions. In recent years and with all that life had thrown at me, my ability to trust in myself to make the right decisions for my business had waned somewhat. I was stuck in a pattern of thinking which wasn’t working, and which was exhausting.

Coaching has enabled me to deconstruct decision making. Through some quite in-depth conversations, we have uncovered what’s really important to me – in life and in business. Having Helen pick up on some of the things I was saying and reflect those back to me was revelationary.

This digging deep into the problems I was presenting with was uncomfortable at times; but I came away from the end of each session knowing we had worked through some longstanding pinch points and challenged some old habits and some old “mis”beliefs.

I am now much more confident in steering my business in the right direction. I am using my new tools, actions and habits to communicate and deliver my company ethos much more clearly. And with clarity comes more clarity.

I no longer feel like I have to be the victim. I know I have choices. I no longer view time as my enemy and I am now choosing and acting in line with my company ethos, making an impact on my clients and colleagues. And I am finding life more exciting.

In Helen I found a safe place to explore possibilities; Helen is empathetic, kind and above all encouraging. It’s clear that Helen is excited by her work; what came across was that Helen cares a lot about listening to her clients and ensuring that her clients get the most out of their coaching programme.

I would definitely recommend Helen’s coaching programme to any business owner/entrepreneur who feels stuck – whether that be due to some old patterns of thinking; or indecision regarding the best future direction for their business. Coaching conversations certainly helped bring clarity to my business.

Jasmine, Cambridge

 I'm now able to hold my own more and am more confident and less stressed

I really recommend the six week PQ Positive Intelligence course and 1:1 coaching with Helen. I learned so much about myself in the process.

Helen was careful to make the group calls feel really inclusive, safe, nourishing and comfortable spaces. Helen really made an effort to make sure she was always there for us. Her responses in our WhatsApp group/ POD chat were really swift.

In the group setting Helen showed a razor sharp kind of insight – she was able to draw connections across different parts of the course, and key points from our previous conversations. This helped with our learning and our awareness around patterns of thinking, and patterns of behaviour.

In the 1:1 coaching I enjoyed exploring different thought patterns and different habits. As we worked on being more realistic and along with the PQ techniques, I now feel able to hold my own more and am more confident. This all means that I’ve been able to decrease my stress levels a lot.

I have also been able to improve relationships, as it meant that there was less drain, and less tension in relationships where I was constantly looking for reassurance. I now recognise this as being part of my tendencies towards hyper- vigilant saboteur behaviours.

In the workplace I have noticed it’s been less stressful because there's just a lot more confidence going on!

Helen was an excellent coach during this process, and I felt like she really believed in us as clients. She really saw our potential and she made us to get that and she was able to listen really intently and draw connections between what we're saying and feeding back to us and helping us see things you wouldn't necessarily see otherwise. To anyone considering coaching with Helen, I think you're in good hands!

Isabelle, Gloucestershire

My coaching experience with Helen has been both positive and life changing.

The impact of my coaching sessions has been that I came to realise I had achieved more things which I should be proud of. It has changed my thinking, and has meant that I now have more confidence.

Helen’s coaching helped me to identify habits and beliefs which no longer serve me. Helen’s approach was gentle, kind and professional. The coaching sessions helped me to devise an action plan to move me forwards and to change my inner critic! In this way, Helen’s coaching was able to draw out of me things I had buried deep and might not have even noticed were the issue.

I would absolutely recommend Helen’s coaching to friends and colleagues.

Katie, Oxfordshire

 Helen’s coaching has helped me step out of the busyness of daily life for a moment and identify areas in my professional and personal life that could work better for me.

I’ve been able to make a few small changes that have really made a big difference to my relationships, work and home life. Helen guided me as we talked and walked along this coaching path together, she helped me identify difficulties, look at situations from a new perspective and together we came up with steps I could take to overcome them.

I had a moment when Helen asked me to find all the good things in a relationship. That helped me realise that a relationship is not something to be fixed, but to be grown and enhanced - it really gave me a sense of relief and hope!

In another session Helen’s coaching helped me realise that my work didn’t need to break me or burn me out, but that if I took small steps I could manage it and feel better.

The sessions felt easy and comfortable. And I was happy with the work I needed to put in between our sessions.

Helen is sensitive, intuitive and supportive and I would recommend her as a coach to anyone seeking to enhance and enrich their lives and relationships. Thank you Helen for all your help!

Nicole, Oxfordshire

 Coaching has definitely given me a greater sense of direction and motivation, which has helped me to identify and secure the right job for my Gap Year.

My biggest breakthrough occurred when Helen was able to help me uncover my central values and qualities. This was such an interesting and necessary activity, as I’ve never really paused to consider what makes me, me. From this, we identified that many of my central values and qualities lent themselves well to leadership.

The Coaching programme gave me a better understanding of what I want from a role. It helped me progress my thinking, as the coaching conversations encouraged me to look at how my inner workings and personal qualities/values can become a part of my job search. This prompted new behaviours in me - a step change as I stopped myself from just applying for things that will ‘do for now’.

I have also developed new perspectives on how to overcome my inner saboteur, and even to identify it in the first place, where previously I may not have even noticed that I was limiting my own progress! While our coaching sessions often focused on more abstract and mental themes, Helen always made sure that we discussed a good variety of practical steps. I found the tasks we agreed I would work on between calls both deeply insightful and really useful.

I would certainly recommend Helen’s Early Years Coaching & Mentoring Programme. This was a really important and transitional time of my life, and Helen helped me to make the best of it, despite the difficult circumstances in which it came about. I have learned things about myself and can now use this new knowledge to push forwards into an early career that I am passionate about.

Darleen, London

  Helen’s coaching has opened up my eyes to what is possible, which means that I have been able to move forward with my career with confidence.

Helen is careful to dig deep to ensure that I get the most out of our coaching sessions. She listens intently and gives me the space I need to come up with the right solutions for myself. This makes my experience of Helen’s coaching so empowering and therefore more motivating. 

She has helped me into tap into other parts of my mind that I have suppressed or not exercised in a while, which is so refreshing. I didn't realise there are so many perspectives I had never considered before coaching with her. 

I am truly grateful for Helen’s support - she has been a true champion and ally on my coaching journey. 

Thank you Helen!

Jen, Oxfordshire

 I can now focus on my work far better.

Through the PQ programme, Helen has helped me to recognise my saboteurs and find my sage mind. The in-depth nature of his programme makes you learn really quickly how to listen to your mind, and to build your mental fitness. I hadn't realised how loud my saboteurs could be.

Now, thanks to Helen and the PQ training, when I notice my typical saboteur behaviours come up, I can see if there's any truth to any of them. Usually find there are none and move on with a clearer, wiser, sager mind. Because of that, I can now focus on my work far better by quietening my perfectionist traits that make me spend far too long on certain tasks.

I highly recommend Helen and the PQ programme to any small business owners or freelancers like me. It’s a great foundational tool to communicate more positively with others at work or in your daily life. And in turn, your life will become far less stressed and therefore a lot happier.

Leslie, Oxfordshire

  Helen’s coaching came at the perfect time for me to address things that are holding me back that I wasn't even aware of

I have taken the PQ course with some fellow pod members and have had private coaching with Helen. I have to say that I am a very busy working Mum, and I thought that I couldn't fit it in. And actually it came at the completely perfect time for me to address things that are holding me back that I wasn't even aware of.

Being able to spot and separate myself from my inner Judge and saboteurs - and to have the tools to stay in a calm sage perspective has been amazing!

For people considering the PQ coaching with Helen - even if you are not aware of your saboteurs and the things that are hindering you in your career and also your work/ life balance - I can't recommend this programme enough. And you won't be disappointed with the results.